RPL or recognition of prior learning writing is not an easy task, as many may think. Those who have experience in writing it know it without a doubt. Many ACS requirements will spin the head for even experienced ICT professionals worldwide. The right side of RPL is an excellent ICT job in Australia, but the other hand is rejection by ACS and sufferings of various forms from it. It is why intelligent ICT professionals worldwide opt for the experienced and professional RPL Writers for ACS Australia approvals. ACS requires two project reports as part of RPL to approve it. The first one should have details of the project done within the last three years and relevant to the applied ANZSCO code of discipline. The second one is another project report done within the previous five years. It applies to both the category of applicants with a degree and without it. For those without tertiary qualification, an additional of two years ICT experience not mandatorily to be as per the ANZS...